Disponible en Digital Access To Scholarchip At Harvard

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Disponible en Digital Access To Scholarchip At Harvard
Publicado en Publishers Weekly
After nearly three years of legal wrangling, a federal judge today will hear cross motions for summary judgment in a closely watched lawsuit challenging the legality of the Internet Archive's program to scan and lend print library books.
First filed in New York on June 1, 2020, by four major publishers (Hachette, HarperCollins, John Wiley & Sons, and Penguin Random House) and the Association of American Publishers, the copyright infringement lawsuit alleges that the Internet Archive’s scanning and lending of library books under an untested legal theory known as "controlled digital lending" is piracy on an industrial scale. The Internet Archive counters that it's activities are legal, protected by fair use, and that the publishers' action fundamentally threatens the core mission of libraries to own and lend collections in the digital age.
The wheels of the lawsuit first began to turn in late March 2020, in the early days of Covid-19 pandemic, when, with libraries and schools shuttered, the Internet Archive unilaterally launched the National Emergency Library, a program that temporarily removed controls on the scanned titles in the IA's Open Library, making them available for multiple user borrowing. The move sparked outrage from author and publisher groups.
The suit, however, is about about more than the National Emergency Library (which shuttered in early June 2020, in the wake of the litigation). Rather, the suit challenges the legitimacy of controlled digital lending and the fundamental legality of scanning and lending library books without permission.
Under CDL, libraries (including the Internet Archive) make scans of their legally acquired physical books and loan the scans in lieu of the print under rules that mimic physical lending: only one person can borrow a scan at a time; the scans are DRM-protected; and only one format can circulate at a time to maintain a one-to-one “owned-to-loan” ratio. In other words, if the scan is checked out, its print counterpart cannot circulate, and vice versa.
In their third and final summary judgment brief, filed last October, attorneys for the publishers reiterate their position that, on both the facts and the law, there is no viable fair use defense for the Internet Archive’s massive scanning and lending program, labeling the Internet Archive a "commercial" actor and CDL “a cynical branding exercise" designed to legitimize "industrial-scale" copyright infringement.
“In the end, Internet Archive asks this Court to adopt a radical proposition that would turn copyright law upside down by allowing IA to convert millions of physical books into e-book formats and distribute them worldwide without paying rights holders,” the publisher brief states. “Since the purpose of copyright is to incentivize the creation of new works, authors and publishers—not IA—hold the exclusive right to publish their books in all formats and distribute them via select channels.”
In their third and final summary judgment brief, Internet Archive lawyers reiterate their arguments that their scanning and lending program is fair use—and that the evidence will show no harm to the publishers market.
“All CDL does, and all it can ever do, is offer a limited, digital alternative to physically handing a book to a patron. Libraries deciding how to meet their patrons’ needs for digital access to books are not making a choice between paying e-book licensing fees or getting books for free. Libraries pay publishers under either approach,” the IA brief states. But with CDL as an option, “librarians can continue to maintain permanent collections of books, to preserve those books in their original form for future generations, and to lend them to patrons one at time, as they have always done,” the brief adds.
If neither side prevails at the summary judgment stage, the case will head to trial. But lawyers tell PW the case very likely will be decided at the summary judgment stage, as there are few factual disputes at issue in the case. Barring a surprise settlement, however, the case is likely far from over, as the outcome of today's hearing, whichever way it goes, would likely be appealed.
Publicado en Electronic Frontier Foundation
Hachette contra Internet Archive
La Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), junto con el abogado Durie Tangri, defiende al Internet Archive contra una demanda que amenaza su programa de Préstamo Digital Controlado (Controlled Digital Lending - CDL).
El Internet Archive es una biblioteca digital sin ánimo de lucro que preserva y proporciona acceso a artefactos culturales de todo tipo en formato electrónico. El CDL permite sacar copias digitales de libros durante dos semanas o menos, y sólo permite a los usuarios sacar tantas copias como el Internet Archive y sus bibliotecas asociadas posean físicamente. Esto significa que si el Internet Archive y sus bibliotecas asociadas sólo tienen un ejemplar de un libro, sólo un usuario puede tomarlo prestado a la vez, como cualquier otra biblioteca. A través del CDL, el Internet Archive contribuye a fomentar la investigación y el aprendizaje ayudando a sus usuarios a acceder a los libros y manteniendo los libros en circulación cuando sus editores han perdido el interés en ellos.
Cuatro editoriales demandaron al Internet Archive, alegando que CDL viola sus derechos de autor. En su demanda, Hachette, HarperCollins, Wiley y Penguin Random House afirman que CDL ha costado a sus empresas millones de dólares y es una amenaza para sus negocios.
Se equivocan. Las bibliotecas han pagado a los editores miles de millones de dólares por los libros de sus colecciones impresas y están invirtiendo enormes recursos en la digitalización para preservar esos textos. El CDL ayuda a garantizar que el público pueda hacer pleno uso de los libros que las bibliotecas han comprado y pagado. Esta actividad es fundamentalmente la misma que el préstamo tradicional de las bibliotecas, y no supone ningún daño nuevo para los autores o la industria editorial. Las bibliotecas nunca han tenido que obtener permisos o pagar tasas adicionales para prestar libros. Y, en la práctica, los datos disponibles demuestran que el CDL no ha perjudicado ni perjudicará los resultados de las editoriales.
El Internet Archive y los cientos de bibliotecas y archivos que apoyan el CDL simplemente se esfuerzan por servir a sus clientes de forma eficaz y eficiente, prestando libros de uno en uno, tal y como han hecho durante siglos. La ley de derechos de autor no impide ese uso legítimo. De hecho, lo apoya.
El 7 de julio de 2022, presentamos una moción de juicio sumario, pidiendo al tribunal que pusiera fin a esta peligrosa demanda. El juicio continuará hasta el otoño, y actualizaremos esta página a medida que se desarrolle el caso.
Hachette v. Internet Archive
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), with co-counsel Durie Tangri, is defending the Internet Archive against a lawsuit that threatens its Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) program.
The Internet Archive is a nonprofit digital library, preserving and providing access to cultural artifacts of all kinds in electronic form. CDL allows people to check out digital copies of books for two weeks or less, and only permits patrons to check out as many copies as the Archive and its partner libraries physically own. That means that if the Archive and its partner libraries have only one copy of a book, then only one patron can borrow it at a time, just like any other library. Through CDL, the Internet Archive is helping to foster research and learning by helping its patrons access books and by keeping books in circulation when their publishers have lost interest in them.
Four publishers sued the Archive, alleging that CDL violates their copyrights. In their complaint, Hachette, HarperCollins, Wiley, and Penguin Random House claim CDL has cost their companies millions of dollars and is a threat to their businesses.
They are wrong. Libraries have paid publishers billions of dollars for the books in their print collections, and are investing enormous resources in digitization in order to preserve those texts. CDL helps ensure that the public can make full use of the books that libraries have bought and paid for. This activity is fundamentally the same as traditional library lending, and poses no new harm to authors or the publishing industry. Libraries have never been required to get permissions or pay extra fees to lend books. And as a practical matter, the available data shows that CDL has not and will not harm the publishers’ bottom line.
The Internet Archive and the hundreds of libraries and archives that support CDL are simply striving to serve their patrons effectively and efficiently, lending books one at a time, just as they have done for centuries. Copyright law does not prevent that lawful fair use. Indeed, it supports it.
On July 7, 2022, we filed a motion for summary judgment, asking the court to put an end to this dangerous lawsuit. Briefing will continue through the fall, and we’ll update this page as the case develops.
Publicado en TECHSPOT
Un grupo que representa a las editoriales Hachette Book Group, Penguin Random House, HarperCollins Publishers y John Wiley & Sons afirma que las bibliotecas deberían pagar derechos de licencia por prestar libros electrónicos. Los editores también señalan los numerosos documentos y otros materiales disponibles en el Internet Archive de forma gratuita.
Internet Archive sostiene que la compra y el escaneo de libros le da derecho a prestarlos dentro de unos límites, como hacen muchas bibliotecas.
Las editoriales demandantes sostienen que esta táctica no es más que una fachada para la piratería.
Internet Archive se asegura de prestar sólo una copia de cada libro a la vez, pero en 2020 relajó temporalmente esa regla para ayudar a los estudiantes que estaban fuera de la escuela durante los cierres de Covid. Esto provocó la demanda en su contra.
Además de libros electrónicos y otros documentos, el Internet Archive contiene la Wayback Machine, una copia de seguridad histórica de sitios web que ya no están en línea y de versiones anteriores de sitios web. Una parte importante de las fuentes de Wikipedia también procede del Internet Archive.
Internet Archive se enfrenta a los editores por el derecho de préstamo de libros digitales
Uno de los mayores repositorios de información del mundo está en juicio
Por Daniel Sims 15 de julio de 2022
En contexto: Un caso judicial de dos años entre un grupo de editores de libros y el Internet Archive se calentó este mes después de que ambas partes pidieran a un tribunal de Nueva York un juicio sumario. La batalla legal podría decidir el destino del Internet Archive e influir en la forma en que las bibliotecas estadounidenses prestan libros.
El caso legal sobre el programa de préstamo digital de Internet Archive entra en una nueva etapa, ya que ambas partes solicitan un juicio sumario en un tribunal de Manhattan. El Internet Archive sostiene que la compra y el escaneo de libros le da derecho a prestarlos dentro de unos límites, como hacen muchas bibliotecas. Los demandantes sostienen que esta táctica no es más que una fachada para la piratería.
El Internet Archive y las bibliotecas colaboradoras utilizan el préstamo digital controlado (CDL) para permitir a los usuarios sacar versiones digitales de los libros que el Archivo compró y escaneó, evocando la doctrina de la primera venta.
Un grupo que representa a las editoriales Hachette Book Group, Penguin Random House, HarperCollins Publishers y John Wiley & Sons afirma que las bibliotecas deberían pagar derechos de licencia por prestar libros electrónicos. Los editores también señalan los numerosos documentos y otros materiales disponibles en el Internet Archive de forma gratuita.
A través de DRM, el Internet Archive se asegura de prestar sólo una copia de cada libro a la vez, pero en 2020 relajó temporalmente esa regla para ayudar a los estudiantes que estaban fuera de la escuela durante los cierres de Covid. Esto provocó la demanda inicial.
Desde las solicitudes de juicio sumario, algunos han hecho declaraciones de apoyo al Internet Archive. Esta semana, la EFF y la Alianza de Autores presentaron escritos de amicus curiae en los que pedían al tribunal que mantuviera la legalidad del CDL, alegando que el Internet Archive contiene mucha información valiosa a la que no se puede acceder fácilmente en otros lugares.
Además de libros electrónicos y otros documentos, el Internet Archive contiene la Wayback Machine, una copia de seguridad histórica de sitios web que ya no están en línea y de versiones anteriores de sitios web. Una parte importante de las fuentes de Wikipedia también procede del Internet Archive.
By Daniel Sims July 15, 2022
In context: A two-year court case between a group of book publishers and the Internet Archive heated up this month after both sides asked a New York court for a summary judgment. The legal battle could decide the fate of the Internet Archive and influence how US libraries lend out books.
The legal case over the Internet Archive's digital lending program enters a new stage as both parties request a summary judgment in a Manhattan court. The Internet Archive maintains that buying and scanning books gives it the right to lend them out within limits like many libraries do. The plaintiffs argue the tactic is just a front for piracy.
The Internet Archive and cooperating libraries use Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) to let users check out digital versions of books the Archive purchased and scanned, evoking the First-Sale doctrine.
A group representing publishers Hachette Book Group, Penguin Random House, HarperCollins Publishers, and John Wiley & Sons says libraries should pay licensing fees to lend out ebooks. The publishers also point out the many documents and other materials available on the Internet Archive for free.
Through DRM, the Internet Archive ensures it lends out only one copy of each book at a time, but in 2020 it temporarily relaxed that rule to help students who were out of school during Covid lockdowns. This prompted the initial lawsuit.
Since the summary judgment requests, some have made statements supporting the Internet Archive. This week, the EFF and Authors Alliance filed Amicus briefs asking the court to uphold CDL as lawful, claiming the Internet Archive contains much valuable information not easily accessed elsewhere.
In addition to ebooks and other documents, the Internet Archive contains the Wayback Machine -- a historical backup of websites no longer online and past versions of websites. A significant portion of Wikipedia's sources also stem from the Internet Archive.
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