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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Poder. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 28 de octubre de 2022

Poder, ganancia y privilegio en la publicación científica

Power Profit Privilege.png
Este currículo abierto fue creado como parte del Scholarly Communications Notebook (SCN), "una comunidad/repositorio en línea que tiene la intención explícita de apoyar y educar a una fuerza de trabajo cada vez más diversa de profesionales de la información y la comunicación, y de extender los valores de la justicia social a todos los participantes, reflejando intencional y cuidadosamente la amplia gama de personas, tipos de instituciones y modelos de servicio en la comunicación académica" (, y apoyado con un estipendio del IMLS. Deseo agradecer al equipo del SCN, formado por Will Cross, Josh Bolick y Maria Bonn, su orientación y estímulo a lo largo de este proceso. Gracias también a Abbey Elder por el diseño de la portada del libro.


This open curriculum was created as part of the Scholarly Communications Notebook (SCN), “an online community/repository that is explicitly intended to support and educate a diversifying workforce of LIS professionals and to extend social justice values to all participants by intentionally and thoughtfully reflecting the broad range of people, institution types, and service models in scholarly communication” (, and supported with a stipend from IMLS. I wish to thank the SCN team of Will Cross, Josh Bolick, and Maria Bonn for their guidance and encouragement throughout this process. Thanks also to Abbey Elder for the book’s cover design.

Amanda Makula

This open course introduces students to the scholarly communications system — with particular emphasis on the scholarly journal publishing mechanism — wherein new information is created, evaluated, disseminated, and preserved.

The course content is organized into three parts:

  1. The Fundamentals aims to acquaint students with the basic framework of contemporary scholarly publishing: how it operates, who is involved, what roles they play, etc., as well as asking students to consider how they themselves might engage with the system as consumers and producers of scholarly knowledge. Chapters include sample exercises to reinforce content, as well as recommended resources for further study.
  2. (Some) Problems raises questions and issues that complicate contemporary scholarly publishing. While scholarship and research have the noble goal of building and sharing new knowledge for the public good, they are also inextricably bound to real-world economic structures and inequalities. This section examines how the scholarly publishing system intersects with money, power, and privilege. It asks students to grapple with the system’s structural, systemic failings, as well as contemplate ways in which it might be improved.
  3. The course culminates in two final Assignments that instructors can use as part of the curriculum, or that independent learners can work through on their own. These are open-ended in that there are no discrete right or wrong answers, but rather opportunities for students to grapple with and reflect on the content of the course.

Material in this course can be used in classroom settings or as self-paced tutorial. Appropriate audiences include upper-level undergraduate or graduate students who are interested in publishing their work; library & information science (LIS) students or early-career librarians interested in scholarly communications; and anyone else who wants a better understanding of the scholarly publishing system and the academic culture in which it is rooted.

Like scholarly publishing itself, this work is evolving and benefits from user feedback. Please submit thoughts/questions/ideas to


The Fundamentals


               (Some) Problems

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