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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Lista de Beall. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Lista de Beall. Mostrar todas las entradas
martes, 20 de junio de 2023
lunes, 12 de julio de 2021
Listado de métricas depredadoras [ BEALL'S LIST ]
Métricas engañosas
Esta lista fue creada por el bibliotecario Jeffrey Beall. Cualquier actualización de la lista se publicará a continuación.
Esta es una lista de empresas dudosas que pretenden proporcionar métricas académicas válidas a nivel de investigador, artículo o revista.
Misleading Metrics
This list was created by a librarian Jeffrey Beall. Any updates to the list will be posted below it.
This is a list of questionable companies that purport to provide valid scholarly metrics at the researcher, article, or journal level.
- AE Global Index
- Advanced Science Index
- African Quality Centre for Journals
- American Standards for Journals and Research (ASJR)
- Arab Impact Factor = معامل التأثير العربي
- CiteFactor
- Cosmos Impact Factor
- Digital Identification Database System (DIDS)
- Digital Online Identifier-Database System (doi ds) DOI Indexed Journals Impact Factor (DOIJIF)
- Directory of Indexing and Impact Factor (DIIF)
- Directory of Journal Quality Factor
- Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI)
- Einstein Institute for Scientific Information (EISI)
- Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI)
- General Impact Factor
- Global Impact Factor
- Global Science Citation Impact Factor (GSCIF)
- Impact Factor Services for International Journals (I.F.S.I.J.)
- Index Scientific Journals (ISJ)
- IndexCopernicus
- Infobase Index
- Institute for Science Information (ISI)
- International Accreditation and Research Council (IARC)
- International Impact Factor Services
- International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF)
- International Institute for Research
- International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR)
- International Journal Impact Factor (IJIF)
- International Scientific Indexing (ISI)
- International Scientific Institute (ISI) (scijournal.org)
- International Services for Impact Factor and Indexing (ISIFI)
- International Society for Research Activity (ISRA) Journal Impact Factor (JIF)
- Jour Informatics
- Journal Impact Factor
- Journals Impact Factor (JIFACTOR)
- Journal Influence Factor
- Journals Consortium. Journal Influence Factor (JIF)
- JPR Impact Factor
- Online Publications Quality Control Association (OPQC)
- Open Academic Journals Index
- Perma Society of Technical Education and Research
- Pubicon Science Index
- RJI Factor (Research Journal Impact Factor)
- Root Indexing
- Science Impact Factor
- Scientific Indexing Services (SIS)
- Scientific Journal Impact Factor
- SCIJOURNAL.ORG (International Scientific Institute)
- SPARC Indexing
- Systematic Impact Factor
- Technical Impact Factor
- Universal Impact Factor
Last updated: November 3, 2016
- Australian Directory of Ranked International Journals (ADRIJ Ranking)
- Journal’s International Compliance Index (JIC Index)
Last updated: January 17, 2019
Criteria for Determining Misleading Metrics
- The website for the metric is nontransparent and provides little information about itself such as location, management team and its experience, other company information, and the like.
- The company charges journals for inclusion in the list.
- The values (scores) for most or all of the journals on the list increase each year.
- The company uses Google Scholar as its database for calculating metrics (Google Scholar does not screen for quality and indexes predatory journals).
- The metric uses the term “impact factor” in its name.
- The methodology for calculating the value is contrived, unscientific, or unoriginal.
- The company exists solely for the purpose of earning money from questionable journals that use the gold open-access model. The company charges the journals and assigns them a value, and then the journals use the number to help increase article submissions and therefore revenue. Alternatively, the company exists as a front for an existing publisher and assigns values to that publisher’s journals.
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