Publicado en Center for Security and Emerging Technology - CSET
Nuestro Mapa de la Ciencia está enlazado arriba. Una vez cargado, puede filtrar los grupos de investigación visibles (haga clic en "Configuración" para ver más opciones). La proximidad de los clusters representa la fuerza de los vínculos de citación entre los clusters. El tamaño por defecto de los grupos se basa en el número de artículos publicados en los últimos cinco años. Al pasar el ratón por encima de un clúster se mostrará información resumida sobre el mismo, y al hacer clic en un clúster se accederá a una página de detalles con mucha más información, como los autores, artículos y financiadores más destacados según los últimos cinco años de publicaciones. Utilice la barra de herramientas del gráfico para alternar entre el desplazamiento y el zoom.
CSET Map of Science
Jennifer Melot
Ilya Rahkovsky
CSET is excited to present the Map of Science user interface. Using a merged corpus of more than 260 million scientific documents, CSET clustered research based on citation links and mapped the clusters spatially using those linkages. The resulting Map provides a visual representation of the landscape of science, with detailed information on more than 123,000 clusters of research including 130 million scientific papers.
The CSET Map of Science is a map of scholarly literature constructed by clustering research publications and organizing research clusters (RCs) based on citation linkages. This map can be used for a range of analytic tasks (see our data snapshot series for some example analyses). The publications in the map are drawn from a set of merged scholarly literature we have constructed from Microsoft Academic Graph, Clarivate Web of Science, the Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure, Dimensions Digital Science, arXiv, and Papers with Code. Our corpus covers all years of each of these sources with the exception of papers published before 2000 in Clarivate Web of Science and papers published before 2005 in the Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure. The Microsoft Academic Graph project will be discontinued at the end of 2021. We clustered the merged dataset into ~100,000 research clusters and mapped the clusters based on shared citations. For more information on our methodology, see sections 2.1 and 2.2 in this research paper.
Our Map of Science is linked above. Once it has loaded, you can filter the visible research clusters (click on “Settings” to see more options). Cluster proximity represents the strength of the citation links between clusters. The default cluster size is based on the number of papers published in the last five years. Hovering over a cluster will show you some summary information about that cluster, and clicking on a cluster will take you to a details page with much more information, such as prominent authors, papers, and funders based on the last five years of publications. Use the graph toolbar to switch between pan and zoom.