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martes, 26 de julio de 2022

WoS - JCR 2023 reportará Factor de Impacto para las revistas de Artes y Humanidades y las revistas "emergentes" (ESCI)

Publicado en Clarivate Analytics 

Anuncio de cambios en el Journal Citation Reports 2023


Redactora jefe y vicepresidenta editorial, Web of Science


A partir de la versión 2023 del JCR, los factores de impacto de las revistas se ampliarán a todas las revistas de la Web of Science Core Collection, incluidas las de artes y humanidades.

Hoy nos enorgullece anunciar que en la versión 2023 del Journal Citation Reports™, todas las revistas de la Web of Science Core Collection™ recibirán un Journal Impact Factor (JIF)™. Esto significa ampliar el JIF del Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)™ y del Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)™ para incluir revistas del Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)™ y del multidisciplinar Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)™.

Los Journal Citation Reports anuales permiten a la comunidad investigadora, a los editores y a los bibliotecarios evaluar y comparar el impacto académico de las revistas de calidad del mundo mediante una serie de indicadores, datos descriptivos y visualizaciones.

Hemos tomado la decisión de mostrar el JIF para todas las revistas indexadas en la Web of Science Core Collection como parte de nuestro compromiso continuo con la integridad del registro académico. Para acelerar el ritmo de la innovación, los financiadores de la investigación, las instituciones y los investigadores necesitan poder tomar decisiones basadas en datos de calidad en los que puedan confiar. Nuestro riguroso proceso de selección nos permite mantener fuera de nuestros índices a las revistas que no son de fiar, lo que, unido a nuestra cuidadosa curación de datos, significa que la comunidad investigadora puede confiar en los datos y métricas de los Journal Citation Reports.

El hecho de dotar a todas las revistas de calidad de un Factor de Impacto de la Revista (JIF) proporcionará una total transparencia a los artículos y citas que han contribuido al impacto, y por tanto les ayudará a demostrar su valor a la comunidad investigadora.

Al ampliar el JIF a todas las revistas que han superado los rigurosos criterios de calidad de Web of Science, esta última mejora también ayuda a igualar las condiciones de todas las revistas de calidad, incluidas las de reciente creación, las de acceso abierto, las de ámbito especializado o regional y las del Sur Global [1].

Esta decisión está en consonancia con nuestra posición de que las publicaciones en todas las revistas de calidad, y no sólo en las muy citadas, deben poder incluirse en los ejercicios de evaluación de la investigación.

Esto significa que:

Casi 9.000 revistas -de más de 3.000 editores, muchos de los cuales son pequeños editores del mundo en desarrollo- tendrán por primera vez un JIF.
Habrá un aumento del 8% en las revistas de acceso abierto de oro que tendrán un JIF.
Habrá un aumento mínimo del 5% en las revistas del Sur Global[1] que tendrán un JIF.
Además, la versión 2023 del Journal Citation Reports mostrará el JIF con un decimal, en lugar de los tres decimales actuales, para animar a los usuarios a tener en cuenta los demás indicadores y datos descriptivos del JCR al comparar las revistas.

No se realizarán cambios en el JCR hasta la próxima publicación anual en junio de 2023.

Hemos consultado ampliamente a toda nuestra comunidad antes de anunciar estos cambios; esto incluye discusiones individuales con editores, bibliotecarios y bibliometristas, así como una encuesta global a la comunidad cuantitativa. Nos complace que, hasta la fecha, los comentarios hayan sido abrumadoramente positivos. Animamos a todos los que tengan más opiniones o preguntas sobre los cambios previstos a que se pongan en contacto con nosotros en


[1] Según la definición de las Naciones Unidas:


Announcing changes to the 2023 Journal Citation Reports


Editor-in-Chief & Vice President Editorial, Web of Science


Starting from the 2023 JCR release, Journal Impact Factors will be expanded to all Web of Science Core Collection journals including arts and humanities.

Today we’re proud to announce that in the 2023 release of the Journal Citation Reports™, all Web of Science Core Collection™ journals will receive a Journal Impact Factor (JIF)™. This means expanding the JIF from Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)™ and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)™ to include journals from the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)™ and the multidisciplinary Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)™.

The annual Journal Citation Reports enable the research community, publishers and librarians to evaluate and compare the scholarly impact of the world’s quality journals using a range of indicators, descriptive data and visualizations.

We have made the decision to display the JIF for all journals that are indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection as part of our ongoing commitment to the integrity of the scholarly record. To accelerate the pace of innovation, research funders, institutions and researchers need to be able to make decisions based on quality data they can trust. Our rigorous selection process allows us to keep untrustworthy journals out of our indexes, which, coupled with our careful data curation, means that the research community can rely on the data and metrics in the Journal Citation Reports.

Giving all quality journals a Journal Impact Factor will provide full transparency to articles and citations that have contributed to impact, and therefore will help them demonstrate their value to the research community.

By expanding the JIF to all journals that have passed the rigorous Web of Science quality criteria, this latest enhancement also helps level the playing field for all quality journals including recently-launched journals, open access journals, journals with a niche or regionally-focused scope and journals from the Global South [1].

This decision is aligned to our position that publications in all quality journals, not just highly cited journals, should be eligible for inclusion in research assessment exercises.

It means that:

  • Almost 9,000 journals – from more than 3,000 publishers, many of which are smaller publishers from the developing world – will have a JIF for the first time.
  • There will be an 8% increase in gold open access journals that will have a JIF.
  • There will be a minimum 5% increase in journals from the Global South[1] that will have a JIF.

In addition, the 2023 release of the Journal Citation Reports will display the JIF with one decimal place, rather than the current three decimal places, to encourage users to consider the other indicators and descriptive data in the JCR when comparing journals.


No changes will be made to the JCR until the next annual release in June 2023.

We have consulted widely across our community before announcing these changes; this includes individual discussions with publishers, librarians and bibliometricians as well as a global quantitative community surveys. We’re pleased that to date, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. We encourage anyone with further feedback or questions on the planned changes to contact us at


[1] According to the United Nations definition:

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2021

LIBRO: Shaping the Digital Dissertation: Knowledge Production in the Arts and Humanities

Shaping the Digital Dissertation: Knowledge Production in the Arts and Humanities

Virginia Kuhn and Anke Finger (eds) | May 2021 290pp.

Este libro explora implicaciones de la erudición digital a través de las divisiones institucionales, geográficas y disciplinarias, dejando cuestionamientos como: ¿Cuáles son los efectos de los proyectos digitales en la educación de doctorado? ¿Cómo elegir y defender una disertación digital? #HumanidadesDigitales #DigitalHumanidades #OpenAccess


Shaping the Digital Dissertation: Knowledge Production in the Arts and Humanities
Virginia Kuhn and Anke Finger (eds) | May 2021
290pp. | 33 Colour Illustrations | 6.14" x 9.21" (234 x 156 mm)
ISBN Paperback: 9781800640986
ISBN Hardback: 9781800640993
ISBN Digital (PDF): 9781800641006
ISBN Digital ebook (epub): 9781800641013
ISBN Digital ebook (mobi): 9781800641020
ISBN Digital ebook (XML): 9781800641037
DOI: 10.11647/OBP.0239
BIC subject codes: JNT (Teaching skills and techniques), H (humanities),JNV (Educational equipment and technology), CAL (computer-aided learning), U (Computing and information technology); BISAC: EDU037000 (EDUCATION / Research), TEC000000 (TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / General).
To see how this book has been read around the world click here.

This volume is a timely intervention that not only helps demystify the idea of a digital dissertation for students and their advisors, but will be broadly applicable to the work of librarians, administrators, and anyone else concerned with the future of graduate study in the humanities and digital scholarly publishing.
Roxanne Shirazi, The City University of New York

Digital dissertations have been a part of academic research for years now, yet there are still many questions surrounding their processes. Are interactive dissertations significantly different from their paper-based counterparts? What are the effects of digital projects on doctoral education? How does one choose and defend a digital dissertation? This book explores the wider implications of digital scholarship across institutional, geographic, and disciplinary divides.

The volume is arranged in two sections: the first, written by senior scholars, addresses conceptual concerns regarding the direction and assessment of digital dissertations in the broader context of doctoral education. The second section consists of case studies by PhD students whose research resulted in a natively digital dissertation that they have successfully defended. These early-career researchers have been selected to represent a range of disciplines and institutions.

Despite the profound effect of incorporated digital tools on dissertations, the literature concerning them is limited. This volume aims to provide a fresh, up-to-date view on the digital dissertation, considering the newest technological advances. It is especially relevant in the European context where digital dissertations, mostly in arts-based research, are more popular.

Shaping the Digital Dissertation aims to provide insights, precedents and best practices to graduate students, doctoral advisors, institutional agents, and dissertation committees. As digital dissertations have a potential impact on the state of research as a whole, this edited collection will be a useful resource for the wider academic community and anyone interested in the future of doctoral studies.

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