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lunes, 13 de junio de 2022

El Cambridge Information Group ya es dueño de Clarivate, Emerald, Bowker, Sotheby's, Bach to Rock y The School of The New York Times


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Cambridge Information Group adquiere el Emerald Group

Publicado en Emerald Group Publishing

Cambridge Information Group adquiere el Emerald Group

10 de junio de 2022

El Grupo Emerald ha anunciado hoy su adquisición por parte de Cambridge Information Group (CIG).

Durante más de 50 años, Emerald ha sido una editorial independiente, formada por un grupo de académicos de gestión de la Universidad de Bradford (Reino Unido), y dirigida últimamente como empresa familiar, encabezada por el difunto Dr. Keith Howard OBE. Emerald, que publica revistas académicas, libros y estudios de casos en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales, se ha diversificado recientemente en el ámbito del aprendizaje corporativo mediante un conjunto de adquisiciones que ahora forman Emerald Works.

La adquisición marca un hito clave en la historia del Grupo, que permite tanto la continuidad como el cambio, y la oportunidad de acelerar el crecimiento, especialmente en respuesta al cambiante panorama de la investigación abierta.

El Cambridge Information Group es una empresa de inversión familiar, con un historial de inversiones a largo plazo en empresas de educación, información y software. Durante la década en que CIG fue propietario de ProQuest, el negocio creció rápidamente a través de inversiones en nuevos productos y múltiples adquisiciones estratégicas. La adquisición de Emerald por parte de CIG se basa en su profunda experiencia en el sector de la educación superior, con una ambición real de crecimiento a largo plazo del negocio.

Vicky Williams, directora general de Emerald Group, comenta: "Estamos encantados de formar parte de la familia CIG y de seguir construyendo el legado creado por el Dr. Keith Howard. Teniendo en cuenta la herencia de CIG en la industria de la información y su misión de adquirir y construir negocios que tengan un impacto positivo en un gran número de personas, estamos entusiasmados tanto por la alineación de la misión como por el camino de crecimiento que tenemos por delante.

Nuestra ambición de impulsar un cambio positivo y publicar una investigación impactante que marque la diferencia se verá reforzada significativamente por la experiencia del equipo de CIG, y esperamos un futuro emocionante impulsado por valores compartidos."

"Estamos encantados de dar la bienvenida al Grupo Emerald a la familia CIG y estamos entusiasmados con la oportunidad de invertir en la construcción de un líder global que sirve a las necesidades críticas de la investigación y el aprendizaje en la educación superior", dijo Pankaj Sharma, Jefe de Inversiones Privadas de CIG. "Dada nuestra propiedad familiar y décadas de experiencia en la construcción de negocios globales de servicios de información, estamos en una posición única para ayudar a continuar el propósito de Emerald de ayudar a las personas a tomar decisiones impactantes."


Cambridge Information Group acquires the Emerald Group

10th June 2022

The Emerald Group today announced they were acquired by Cambridge Information Group (CIG).

For over 50 years, Emerald has been an independent publishing house, formed by a group of management academics at the University of Bradford, UK, and latterly run as a family-owned business, spearheaded by the late Dr. Keith Howard OBE. A publisher of academic journals, books, and case studies in the social sciences, Emerald has recently diversified into corporate learning through a suite of acquisitions which now form Emerald Works.

The acquisition signals a key milestone in the Group’s history; one which allows continuity as well as change, and the opportunity to accelerate growth, particularly in response to the evolving open research landscape.

Cambridge Information Group is a family-owned, mission-led investment firm with a history of long-term investments in education, information, and software companies. During CIG’s multi-decade ownership of ProQuest, the business grew rapidly through investments in new products and multiple strategic acquisitions. CIG’s acquisition of Emerald builds on their deep experience in the higher education industry, with real ambition for long-term growth of the business.

Vicky Williams, CEO of the Emerald Group, comments “We are delighted to become part of the CIG family, and to continue to build on the legacy created by Dr. Keith Howard. Noting CIG’s heritage in the information industry and their mission to acquire and build businesses that have a positive impact on large numbers of people, we’re excited about both mission alignment and the growth path ahead of us.

Our ambition to drive positive change and publish impactful research that makes a difference will be bolstered significantly by the expertise in the CIG team, and we look forward to an exciting future driven by shared values.”

“We are thrilled to welcome the Emerald Group to the CIG family and are excited about the opportunity to invest in building a global leader serving the critical needs of higher education research and learning” said Pankaj Sharma, Head of Private Investments for CIG. “Given our family ownership and decades of experience building global information services businesses, we are uniquely positioned to help continue Emerald’s purpose of helping people making impactful decisions.”

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About Emerald

Emerald Group is a market leading global provider of social science research (Emerald Publishing) and leadership and management corporate learning solutions (Emerald Works). Founded in 1967, Emerald is headquartered in Bingley, UK.

Emerald believes that knowledge and learning can diminish divides and be an inclusive force for change. Its collective aim is to empower everyone to thrive in education, workplaces, communities and society at large.

About CIG

CIG is a family-owned investment firm based in New York City and has a long tradition of building businesses through continuous reinvestment and close partnership with management teams. Founded in 1971, CIG’s focus is on building companies for long-term success by reinvesting in the growth and development of existing portfolio companies as well as acquiring new businesses with sustainable growth and profitability. CIG’s long-term investment perspective and commitment of personal time and resources differentiates us from traditional sources of private capital.

For enquiries, please contact Harriet Bell

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