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viernes, 14 de julio de 2023

Web of Science integra ProQuest™ Dissertations & Theses Global para crear índice de citas de tesis

Publicado en Clarivate

Clarivate enriquece la plataforma Web of Science con la integración de ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global

Descubrimiento y acceso a >5,5 millones de disertaciones y tesis globales para hacer más eficiente la investigación

Londres, Reino Unido, 13 de julio de 2023 - Clarivate Plc (NYSE: CLVT), líder mundial en la conexión de personas y organizaciones con la inteligencia en la que pueden confiar para transformar su mundo, ha anunciado hoy la integración de ProQuest™ Dissertations & Theses Global con su reconocida plataforma Web of Science™. Esta integración permite a los investigadores acceder de forma rápida y sencilla a una vasta colección multidisciplinar de erudición temprana de más de 5,5 millones de disertaciones y tesis globales.

La nueva solución, ProQuest™ Dissertations & Theses Citation Index, ofrece una experiencia de investigación completa con acceso para descubrir la investigación de carrera temprana junto con revistas, preprints y otras fuentes académicas dentro de una única plataforma. Al eliminar la necesidad de buscar en múltiples bases de datos, proporcionará un flujo de trabajo optimizado para estudiantes e investigadores, facilitando su éxito académico e impulsando nuevos avances en la investigación.

Clarivate se compromete a satisfacer las opiniones y peticiones de los usuarios. En una encuesta reciente realizada a los usuarios de Web of Science, los investigadores expresaron su interés por las disertaciones y tesis como la fuente más deseada de contenido secundario y complementario. En respuesta, Clarivate ha integrado ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global con la Web of Science para ofrecer una colección multidisciplinar de tesis y disertaciones de más de 4.100 instituciones de más de 60 países. Además, los clientes mutuos de ambos disfrutarán de un acceso sin fisuras a más de tres millones de documentos a texto completo en la plataforma de ProQuest.

Con esta integración, Web of Science se enriquece para permitir el descubrimiento de millones de disertaciones y tesis junto con artículos de revistas, datos de investigación, patentes y preprints. Esta integración permite a investigadores y estudiantes llevar a cabo revisiones bibliográficas más amplias al incorporar estudios inéditos y perspectivas diversas. El proceso de investigación no suele ser sencillo y es importante para el avance del conocimiento abarcar tanto los hallazgos científicos positivos como los negativos, lo que garantiza a los investigadores el acceso a una visión completa de las pruebas científicas disponibles y puede evitar la duplicación de esfuerzos en investigaciones posteriores.

Además, los investigadores pueden mostrar sus primeros logros profesionales a compañeros y evaluadores indicando su disertación o tesis en su perfil de investigador de Web of Science. Clarivate está trabajando activamente para añadir Referencias Citadas Vinculadas y Registros Relacionados - cuyo lanzamiento está previsto para el cuarto trimestre de 2023 - para mejorar aún más las conexiones entre las tesis y la plataforma Web of Science.

Emmanuel Thiveaud, Vicepresidente Senior de Investigación y Análisis, Academia y Gobierno en Clarivate, dijo: "En Clarivate, estamos dedicados a apoyar a las instituciones académicas en el avance del conocimiento a través de la investigación y la educación, proporcionando contenidos y herramientas de confianza. Recopilamos continuamente información sobre nuestros clientes y respondemos rápidamente para ofrecer las mejores soluciones que impulsen la excelencia en la investigación. La incorporación de nuestra amplia colección de contenidos académicos de ProQuest a la plataforma Web of Science abre nuevas posibilidades. Con esta combinación de contenidos exhaustivos, tanto investigadores como estudiantes pueden descubrir tendencias emergentes, identificar nuevas áreas de investigación y encontrar programas de postgrado dedicados a la investigación de vanguardia, todo ello a través de una única búsqueda, agilizando así su flujo de trabajo de investigación."


Clarivate Enriches Web of Science Platform with Integration of ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global

Discovery and access to >5.5 million global dissertations and theses to make research more efficient 

London, U.K., July 13, 2023 – Clarivate Plc (NYSE: CLVT), a global leader in connecting people and organizations to intelligence they can trust to transform their world, today announced the integration of ProQuest™ Dissertations & Theses Global with its renowned Web of Science™ platform. This integration enables researchers to gain quick and easy access to a vast multidisciplinary collection of early career scholarship of more than 5.5 million global dissertations and theses.

The new solution, ProQuest™ Dissertations & Theses Citation Index, offers a comprehensive research experience with access to discover early career research alongside journals, preprints and other scholarly sources within a single platform. By eliminating the need to search multiple databases, it will provide a streamlined workflow for students and researchers, facilitating their academic success and driving further research advancements.

Clarivate is committed to meeting user feedback and requests. In a recent survey of Web of Science users, researchers expressed their interest in dissertations and theses as the most desired source of secondary, supplementary content. In response, Clarivate has integrated ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global with the Web of Science to offer a multidisciplinary collection of early career scholarship from more than 4,100 institutions across 60+ countries. In addition, mutual customers of both will enjoy seamless access to more than three million full text documents on the ProQuest platform.

With this integration, Web of Science is enriched to enable the discovery of millions of dissertations and theses alongside journal articles, research data, patents and preprints. This integration empowers researchers and students to conduct more expansive literature reviews by incorporating unpublished scholarship and diverse perspectives. The research process is rarely straightforward and it is important for the advancement of knowledge to embrace both positive and negative scientific findings, which ensures researchers access a comprehensive view of available scientific evidence and can avoid duplication of effort in later research.

Furthermore, researchers can showcase their early career achievements to peers and evaluators by claiming their dissertation or thesis in their Web of Science Researcher Profile. Clarivate is actively working to add Linked Cited References and Related Records – scheduled for release by Q4 2023 – to further enhance the connections between dissertations and the Web of Science platform.

Emmanuel Thiveaud, Senior Vice President, Research and Analytics, Academia & Government at Clarivate said, “At Clarivate, we are dedicated to supporting academic institutions in advancing knowledge through research and education by providing trusted content and tools. We continuously gather customer insights and respond quickly to deliver best-in-class solutions that drive research excellence. The addition of our expansive collection of early-career scholarly content from ProQuest to the Web of Science platform opens new possibilities. With this blend of comprehensive content, researchers and students alike can discover emerging trends, identify new areas of research and find post-graduate programs engaged in cutting-edge research, all through a singular search, thus streamlining their research workflow.”

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2021

LIBRO: Shaping the Digital Dissertation: Knowledge Production in the Arts and Humanities

Shaping the Digital Dissertation: Knowledge Production in the Arts and Humanities

Virginia Kuhn and Anke Finger (eds) | May 2021 290pp.

Este libro explora implicaciones de la erudición digital a través de las divisiones institucionales, geográficas y disciplinarias, dejando cuestionamientos como: ¿Cuáles son los efectos de los proyectos digitales en la educación de doctorado? ¿Cómo elegir y defender una disertación digital? #HumanidadesDigitales #DigitalHumanidades #OpenAccess


Shaping the Digital Dissertation: Knowledge Production in the Arts and Humanities
Virginia Kuhn and Anke Finger (eds) | May 2021
290pp. | 33 Colour Illustrations | 6.14" x 9.21" (234 x 156 mm)
ISBN Paperback: 9781800640986
ISBN Hardback: 9781800640993
ISBN Digital (PDF): 9781800641006
ISBN Digital ebook (epub): 9781800641013
ISBN Digital ebook (mobi): 9781800641020
ISBN Digital ebook (XML): 9781800641037
DOI: 10.11647/OBP.0239
BIC subject codes: JNT (Teaching skills and techniques), H (humanities),JNV (Educational equipment and technology), CAL (computer-aided learning), U (Computing and information technology); BISAC: EDU037000 (EDUCATION / Research), TEC000000 (TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / General).
To see how this book has been read around the world click here.

This volume is a timely intervention that not only helps demystify the idea of a digital dissertation for students and their advisors, but will be broadly applicable to the work of librarians, administrators, and anyone else concerned with the future of graduate study in the humanities and digital scholarly publishing.
Roxanne Shirazi, The City University of New York

Digital dissertations have been a part of academic research for years now, yet there are still many questions surrounding their processes. Are interactive dissertations significantly different from their paper-based counterparts? What are the effects of digital projects on doctoral education? How does one choose and defend a digital dissertation? This book explores the wider implications of digital scholarship across institutional, geographic, and disciplinary divides.

The volume is arranged in two sections: the first, written by senior scholars, addresses conceptual concerns regarding the direction and assessment of digital dissertations in the broader context of doctoral education. The second section consists of case studies by PhD students whose research resulted in a natively digital dissertation that they have successfully defended. These early-career researchers have been selected to represent a range of disciplines and institutions.

Despite the profound effect of incorporated digital tools on dissertations, the literature concerning them is limited. This volume aims to provide a fresh, up-to-date view on the digital dissertation, considering the newest technological advances. It is especially relevant in the European context where digital dissertations, mostly in arts-based research, are more popular.

Shaping the Digital Dissertation aims to provide insights, precedents and best practices to graduate students, doctoral advisors, institutional agents, and dissertation committees. As digital dissertations have a potential impact on the state of research as a whole, this edited collection will be a useful resource for the wider academic community and anyone interested in the future of doctoral studies.

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