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jueves, 4 de julio de 2024

LIBRO: Contracts in Publishing: A toolkit for authors and publishers [ Derechos de autor, Copyright ]

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Contracts in Publishing: A toolkit for authors and publishers ofrece información sobre aspectos relacionados con los derechos de autor y opciones contractuales en el sector editorial. Con un enfoque equilibrado que tiene en cuenta tanto los intereses de los autores como los de los editores, la publicación ofrece orientación para adquirir conocimientos y aptitudes básicos que permitan llegar a acuerdos satisfactorios de edición, coedición y concesión de licencias, y se dirige a un público de autores, artistas visuales, traductores y editores, especialmente en los países en desarrollo.
Contracts in Publishing A toolkit for authors and publishers

Publication year: 2024

License: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Contracts in Publishing: A toolkit for authors and publishers provides information on copyright-related aspects and contractual options in the publishing sector. With a balanced approach considering the interests of both authors and publishers, the publication offers guidance to building basic knowledge and skills for successful publishing, co-publishing and licensing deals, targeting an audience of authors, visual artists, translators and publishers, especially in developing countries.


Foreword 6

Acknowledgements 7

Acronyms 8

1 Introduction 9

2 What is publishing? 12

2.1 The value chain in summary 12

2.1.1 The roles of the main parties 12

2.1.2 Licensing 13

2.1.3 Self-publishing 13

2.1.4 Support for authors 14

2.2 Authors, publishers and authors’ rights or copyright 14

2.2.1 The history of copyright law 15

2.2.2 The scope of copyright 15

2.2.3 Reversion of copyright 16

2.2.4 Visual creators 16

2.2.5 Reproduction and piracy 16

2.2.6 Assignment of copyright 17

2.3 The publishing value chain and process 18

2.3.1 The origin of a published work 18

2.3.2 Added value by the publisher 19

2.3.3 Payment 19

2.3.4 Translation 19

2.3.5 Illustrations and photography 20

2.3.6 Re-editioning, distribution and sales 20

2.4 The author’s responsibilities 20

2.4.1 Joint authorship 21

2.5 The publisher’s responsibilities 21

2.5.1 Author names 21

2.5.2 Payment 21

2.5.3 Relevance and demand 22

2.5.4 Design 22

2.6 Traditional publishing models 22

2.6.1 General, consumer or trade publishing 22

2.6.2 Educational and academic publishing 22

2.6.3 Professional and specialist publishing 23

2.7 Alternative publishing models 23

2.7.1 E-book and digital-first publishing 23

2.7.2 Self-publishing, vanity publishing and hybrid publishing 24

2.8 The role of the literary agent 24

2.9 From books to other formats 25

3 Contracts: why and how 26

3.1 The principle of fair contracts and minimum terms agreements 27

3.2 Boilerplate and standard contractsContracts in Publishing A Toolkit for Authors and Publishers4 4 Publishing contracts: the nuts and bolts 29

4.1 The preamble: parties to the contract and brief scope of work 29

4.2 Effective date, term and earlier agreements 30

4.3 The grant of rights 30

4.3.1 Exclusivity and non-exclusivity 31

4.3.2 Language and territory 31

4.3.3 Term of contract: full term of copyright (FTOC) or fixed-term agreements 32

4.3.4 Volume form definition 33

4.3.5 No abridgment or extract agreement 34

4.3.6 Subsequent editions 34

4.4 Author’s warranties and indemnities 35

4.5 Author’s reserved rights 35

4.6 Author’s delivery: text length, illustrations, photos, permissions, index 35

4.7 Publisher’s acceptance or decision not to publish 36

4.8 Editing, author’s corrections and proofs 37

4.9 Publication: time frame, format, design and promotion 37

4.9.1 Time frame for publication 37

4.9.2 Format: hardback, paperback, e-book, audio 37

4.9.3 Title, cover, description: consultation and approval 37

4.9.4 Author promotion, approved biography and photographs 38

4.9.5 Marketing materials and proposed retail price 38

4.10 Return of manuscript and other materials belonging to the author 38

4.11 Copyright notice 38

4.12 Moral rights and changes to the work 39

4.13 Advance payments 40

4.13.1 Multiple book deals: separate or joint accounting 41

4.14 Royalties 41

4.14.1 Hardback 42

4.14.2 Paperback editions: trade and mass market 42

4.14.3 E-book 43

4.14.4 Audio 43

4.14.5 Translator fees or royalties 44

4.14.6 Free or promotional copies 44

4.15 Subsidiary rights 44

4.15.1 First and second serial rights 45

4.15.2 Editions in other territories 46

4.15.3 Other format editions 46

4.15.4 Translation rights 46

4.15.5 Book club rights 47

4.15.6 Large print rights 47

4.15.7 Free license for visually impaired person access 47

4.15.8 Condensation rights 48

4.15.9 Anthology rights and permissions 48

4.15.10 Educational editions 49

4.15.11 Merchandizing 49

4.15.12 Audio 49

4.15.13 Radio 50

4.15.14 Film, television and theater rights 50

4.15.15 Rental and lending rights 51

4.15.16 Online database rights 52

4.15.17 CD-ROM optical disk rights 52

4.15.18 Digital technology, learning tools and publisher-owned content 52

4.15.19 Collective licensing 53

4.15.20 Supply of subsidiary agreements 55

4.16 Film quit claim 55

4.17 Accounting: statements, payments, examination and remedies 55

4.17.1 Statements and payments 55

4.17.2 Examination and remedies 56

4.17.3 Tax note 56

4.18 Author’s copies 56

4.19 Termination: publication cessation, rate of sale, remainders 56

4.20 Termination: bankruptcy or liquidation 57

4.21 Copyright infringement 57

4.22 Force majeure 58

4.23 Disputes and interpretation 58

4.24 Applicable or governing law 58

4.25 Assignment and non-assignment 59

4.26 Option clausesContents

54.27 Competing works 60

4.28 Agency clause 60

4.29 Entire and earlier agreements 60

4.30 Signature and contract copies 60

5 After the contract 61

6 Conclusion 62

Useful links 63

Copyright information: principles, permissions, piracy and FAQs for authors 63

Other publishing matters 64

International authors’, translators’ and artists’ associations 64

International publishing organizations and associations 65

International agents’ associations 65

Copyright, IP, PLR, collective licensing and related organizations 66

Further on contractual matters, campaigning, fair terms, model contracts 66

Bibliography and further reading resources 67

OA, IA y DEI: ¿triple ventaja o triple amenaza?

Publicado en Library Journal