Métricas engañosas
Esta lista fue creada por el bibliotecario Jeffrey Beall. Cualquier actualización de la lista se publicará a continuación.
Esta es una lista de empresas dudosas que pretenden proporcionar métricas académicas válidas a nivel de investigador, artículo o revista.
Misleading Metrics
This list was created by a librarian Jeffrey Beall. Any updates to the list will be posted below it.
This is a list of questionable companies that purport to provide valid scholarly metrics at the researcher, article, or journal level.
- AE Global Index
- Advanced Science Index
- African Quality Centre for Journals
- American Standards for Journals and Research (ASJR)
- Arab Impact Factor = معامل التأثير العربي
- CiteFactor
- Cosmos Impact Factor
- Digital Identification Database System (DIDS)
- Digital Online Identifier-Database System (doi ds) DOI Indexed Journals Impact Factor (DOIJIF)
- Directory of Indexing and Impact Factor (DIIF)
- Directory of Journal Quality Factor
- Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI)
- Einstein Institute for Scientific Information (EISI)
- Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI)
- General Impact Factor
- Global Impact Factor
- Global Science Citation Impact Factor (GSCIF)
- Impact Factor Services for International Journals (I.F.S.I.J.)
- Index Scientific Journals (ISJ)
- IndexCopernicus
- Infobase Index
- Institute for Science Information (ISI)
- International Accreditation and Research Council (IARC)
- International Impact Factor Services
- International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF)
- International Institute for Research
- International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR)
- International Journal Impact Factor (IJIF)
- International Scientific Indexing (ISI)
- International Scientific Institute (ISI) (
- International Services for Impact Factor and Indexing (ISIFI)
- International Society for Research Activity (ISRA) Journal Impact Factor (JIF)
- Jour Informatics
- Journal Impact Factor
- Journals Impact Factor (JIFACTOR)
- Journal Influence Factor
- Journals Consortium. Journal Influence Factor (JIF)
- JPR Impact Factor
- Online Publications Quality Control Association (OPQC)
- Open Academic Journals Index
- Perma Society of Technical Education and Research
- Pubicon Science Index
- RJI Factor (Research Journal Impact Factor)
- Root Indexing
- Science Impact Factor
- Scientific Indexing Services (SIS)
- Scientific Journal Impact Factor
- SCIJOURNAL.ORG (International Scientific Institute)
- SPARC Indexing
- Systematic Impact Factor
- Technical Impact Factor
- Universal Impact Factor
Last updated: November 3, 2016
- Australian Directory of Ranked International Journals (ADRIJ Ranking)
- Journal’s International Compliance Index (JIC Index)
Last updated: January 17, 2019
Criteria for Determining Misleading Metrics
- The website for the metric is nontransparent and provides little information about itself such as location, management team and its experience, other company information, and the like.
- The company charges journals for inclusion in the list.
- The values (scores) for most or all of the journals on the list increase each year.
- The company uses Google Scholar as its database for calculating metrics (Google Scholar does not screen for quality and indexes predatory journals).
- The metric uses the term “impact factor” in its name.
- The methodology for calculating the value is contrived, unscientific, or unoriginal.
- The company exists solely for the purpose of earning money from questionable journals that use the gold open-access model. The company charges the journals and assigns them a value, and then the journals use the number to help increase article submissions and therefore revenue. Alternatively, the company exists as a front for an existing publisher and assigns values to that publisher’s journals.
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